The Ranger has a pretty simple Cover Image


The Ranger has a pretty simple

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The Ranger has a pretty simple non ha pubblicato ancora nulla


Data dinizio
05-02-24 - 12:00


Data di fine
06-02-24 - 12:00

Doublets (also equippable on Rogue and Fighter)

Weapon-Selection For Ranger, Spoiler Alert They're Mostly Bows

Dark and Darker - Loading Screen Artwork Of Party With Ranger Covering The Rear

Now, as one would expect, when it comes to Weapons the Ranger is all about Bows. There are Crossbow and regular Bows available in Dark and Darker, but in general, the Bow builds seem to be more reliable than the Crossbow ones. These are the Weapons Ranger players should keep in mind, ordered from least to most commonly used:

Basically, always look for some Bow better than the starting one, and if a player does find a Crossbow, it's a great secondary Weapon when a big burst of immediate damage is needed.

Final Tips For Aspiring Rangers

Dark and Darker - Buying An Absurd Amount Of Traps In The Shop

In general, the Ranger has a pretty simple playstyle; shoot arrows at things, aim for the head, run if things start coming closer, and if they're players then close any doors and place traps while running away. Other than that, it really depends on the player themselves. Pure Spear builds and pure Crossbow builds can absolutely work too, but they require some pretty specific configurations.

Also, as far as stats go, Ranger players should keep an eye out for gear that buffs True Damage, Agility, Max Health, or Action Speed. To finish things off, here are a few more 'general' tips for the class:

Look For The Sneakiest Angles: Half the fun of playing Ranger comes from getting amazing headshots from angles opponents would never expect or be able to react to fast enough. For example, a lot of Rangers like to climb the ladder in the library area and snipe from above since no one looks up often while playing. If you want to buy MMoexp Dark And Darker Gold please visit